gfg potd

Clone a linked list with next and random pointer | gfg potd | 20-09-24 | GFG Problem of the day

Binary Tree to DLL | gfg potd | 15-09-24 | GFG Problem of the day

#166 | String Subsequence | gfg potd | 29-05-2024 | GFG Problem of The Day

#173 | Swapping pairs make sum equal | gfg potd | 05-06-2024 | GFG Problem of The Day

Minimum Cost of Ropes | Priority Queue | GFG POTD | C++ | Java | Code Kar Lo

Largest Pair Sum | gfg potd | 08-10-24 | GFG Problem of the day

Multiply two linked lists | gfg potd | 01-10-24 | GFG Problem of the day

Roof Top | gfg potd | 26-09-24 | GFG Problem of the day

Count Smaller Elements | Array | GFG POTD | C++ | Java | Code Kar Lo

#240 | Job Sequencing Problem | gfg potd | 11-08-2024 | GFG Problem of The Day

Minimum Cost Path | GFG POTD 2nd Sep 2024 | JAVA | C++

Missing And Repeating | gfg potd | 23-09-24 | GFG Problem of the day

#193 | Left Rotate Matrix K times | gfg potd | 25-06-2024 | GFG Problem of The Day

#176 | Index of an Extra Element | gfg potd | 08-06-2024 | GFG Problem of The Day

#128 | Three way partitioning | gfg potd | 21-04-2024 | GFG Problem of The Day

#161 | Partitions with Given Difference | gfg potd | 24-05-2024 | GFG Problem of The Day

Longest Prefix Suffix | gfg potd | 22-09-24 | GFG Problem of the day

#166 | Geek and its Game of Coins | gfg potd | 29-05-2024 | GFG Problem of The Day

#134 | Merge Sort on Doubly Linked List | gfg potd | 27-04-2024 | GFG Problem of The Day

N - Queen Problem | Back Tracking | GFG POTD | C++ | Java | Code Kar Lo

#177 | Convert array into Zig-Zag fashion | gfg potd | 09-06-2024 | GFG Problem of The Day

Mirror Tree | DFS | GFG POTD | C++ | Java | Code Kar Lo

#178 | Nuts and Bolts Problem | gfg potd | 10-06-2024 | GFG Problem of The Day

Edit Distance | GFG POTD 2nd August 2024 | JAVA | C++